Paper and cardboard
If your paper waste wasn't collected, contact the Cure Waste management customer service within two working days.
If our GPS data shows we visited your street on the collection date, we will not return. You can present the paper waste on the next collection day.
You can see the next paper waste collection day on the waste calendar or the app. If the next moment is too far away, you can offer the waste at a collection point.
Present your paper waste on time. If the paper is presented too late, we will not return to collect it.
From March 6, 2023 Eindhoven has blue paper containers. Do you own a paper container? Don't present the paper loose - put it in the container. NOTE: presenting waste next to the container is not allowed!
Did you not receive a blue container? Offer the waste in boxes or tie it together to prevent the wind blowing it away. Make sure the packages are handleable in size and weight.
The paper container is a container connected to your home. The two wheel container is used for collecting paper waste specifically. The container is grey with a blue lid. This blue lid signifies it being used for paper and cartboard. The container is often referred to as 'kliko'.
The blue paper container is put at your front door at the delivery date. You do not need to be at home for this. When it's been delivered, the container is stored on your terrain. It cannot remain in public space.
The blue paper container is free. You do not have to pay for it. Even when you lose the container or it is broken, you can request a new one for free with Cure customer service.
You will only receive a paper container if you live in a groundbound home and use a grey container for residual waste and a green container for organic waste. Residents of a groundbound home who use an underground container will offer the paper loose for the time being. Residents of a flat or apartment will not receive a blue paper container. Residents of Eindhoven who use an underground container will receive more information about the changes in collecting paper waste later in 2023.
From 6 March 2023, Cure will start delivering blue paper containers in Eindhoven. This happens in phases. You will have received the blue container by 25 May 2023. You'll receive a letter with the specific delivery date beforehand.
Residents of Eindhoven currently offer their paper waste loose. This is very intensive work for Cure employees. It also causes excessive waste on the street, especially when it's windy or raining.
Paper waste is also very eligible for recycling. The condition is that there's no pollution. Residents using a closed container will lower the chances for pollution.
The blue container works in the same way the familiar green and grey containers do, but the blue container is meant specifically for paper waste. The blue container also has a separate collection day. This day can be found in your residences specific calendar.
Yes. At the moment paper waste is collected once every two weeks. This will change to once every four weeks. The updated collection moments will be visible mid March 2023.
De inzamelfrequentie voor oud papier en karton is na de introductie van de blauwe papiercontainer 1 maal in de 4 weken. Dit in tegenstelling tot de huidige 1 maal per 2 weken. Om er zeker van te zijn dat alle inwoners voldoende opslagruimte hebben is de 240 liter papiercontainer vastgesteld. Zo beschikt u ook over voldoende ruimte op piekmomenten, zoals feestdagen en verjaardagen.
The collection frequency for paper waste is going to be once every four weeks after introducing the blue container. Right now it's once every two weeks. To make sure all residents have plenty storage, the 240L container has been determined. You'll have enough room at busy moments like holidays and birthdays.
No, this isn't possible. The size of the container is set to 240L. There are no other sizes available.
An evaluation is planned for September 2023. We will see if a smaller version is a possibility. Until then there will not be an option for a 140L paper container.
We'll come trade it for a 240L container. You'll receive extra information through mail.
Not yet. This will not be possible the first 3 months after the introduction of the blue paper containers. The 3 months are meant as an adjustment periodt. After those 3 months, a maximum of 1 extra container can be requested for free. This container will also have a 240L content.
Once you've received the blue paper container you can immediately use it for separating your paper waste. Present it at the right time. You can use the same location you use for your green and grey containers. Check the waste calendar for the paper collection day.
Big amounts of paper waste can be disposed at one of the waste recycling points in Eindhoven. You cannot offer paper waste next to the container, this will not be collected. Click here for more information on the waste recycling points.
Carefully make the boxes smaller with scissors or a knife. The loose pieces can be put in the blue container. Do not offer the box loose, it will not be collected.
If you don't have a ride to a recyclying point, you can use Cure's collection service. Click here for more information about the collection service.
If you live in a flat or apartment, you will not receive a blue paper container. Later in 2023, you'll receive more information on the collection of paper waste at your address. Do you live in a groundbound home but you haven't received a paper container? Contact our customer service.
Nee, de invoering van de blauwe papiercontainer heeft geen directe invloed op de afvalstoffenheffing. Of de afvalstoffenheffing vanaf 1 januari 2023 omhoog of omlaag gaat, hangt af van het beleid van de gemeente Eindhoven.
No, the blue paper container does not directly affect waste tax. Whether or not the waste tax goes up is determined by the municipality.
Als u in een appartement of flat woont dan heeft u geen blauwe papiercontainer. Als u in een woonhuis woont: Vraag een nieuwe blauwe papiercontainer aan via het webformulier.
If you live in an apartment or flat, you will not receive a blue container. If you live in a groundbound residence, request a new paper container through the web form.
No. The paper container goes with the residence. This means you should leave it behind when you move.
The blue containers are only available for groundbound homes. In 2023, you can present your paper loose. Later in 2023 you'll receive additional information on changes regarding paper waste collection.
At the moment, Eindhoven municipality has decided to collect paper waste using the container. It is unclear if this will also happen for plastic at some point. For now, plastic collection will stay as it is.
The first paper containers were delivered on the 6th of March. This also changes the collection frequency to once every 4 weeks. You can offer the paper container from the first collection route in April 2023.
There's a transition phase where not everyone has a blue container. In March, April and May it'll be allowed to offer paper and cardboard loose and in the blue container.